The artificial intelligence-supported triage, diagnosis and treatment model is a fast, reliable, tireless aid for doctors in recognizing what we do every day as doctors and deciding on the right and appropriate treatment. Every doctor who examines the patient recognizes the patients complaints and matches them with the diseases. tries to find the probable diagnosis. In addition, even if the probability is low, the possible outcomes of the diagnoses are also shown to be not objectively in the patient by exclusion tests. Of course, it is necessary to maintain a balance, every doctor knows that a small and insignificant complaint may be the first sign of a disease that will cause fatal results, and complaints that seem important and disturb the patient may not have a meaningful diagnosis or cause despite detailed tests. Considering the examination times, which are sometimes less than 5 minutes, and the long working hours, it is clear that there is not enough time for patients. Investigations under time pressure and human fatigue are not sufficient to process the information obtained with the wide and daily renewed medical literature. The help of artificial intelligence to doctors in diagnosis and treatment with algorithms will bring doctors together with the most up-to-date medical information in the fastest way, as well as human errors or personal errors. It will take on a duty to protect both the doctor and the patient against the misleading effect of the experiences. Of course, for now, the absolute decision in diagnosis and treatment cannot be left to artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence should help the doctor as a reminder or a consultant in cases of human inattention, forgetting, lack of experience or knowledge, as an eye that never forgets any of its experiences and learns with the most up-to-date medical knowledge. It will increase both the accuracy of the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as the satisfaction of the patients.